4 Day Sale (Thru Monday only)
$.79 Coke 2 liters, must buy 5
All Week
GREAT CATALINA DEAL!!! Buy $25 (shelf price) get $10 on your next order, all items on back page of ad. There is also an UNADVERTISED catalina deal on pillsbury products, buy any 4 get $2, any 5 get $3, any 6 or more get $4 back. Here is a GREAT deal idea for you!
2 Pillsbury crescents $3.34 (shelf price 5.98)
2 Pillsbury cinnamon rolls $3.34 (shelf price 5.98)
2 Pillsbury grands rolls $3.34 (shelf price 4.58)
4 Betty Crocker brownie mixes $4.00 (shelf price $7.96)
=$14.02 (shelf price total $26.50)
-.50/2 crescents HERE (doubled to $1.00)
-.40/2 cinnamon rolls HERE (doubled to $.80)
-.30/2 grands HERE (doubled to $.60)
-.75/2 Betty Crocker brownie mix HERE (doubled to $1.00)
You should get back $10 for the General Mills products and $4 for the Pillsbury products!
THEN, Go back in and buy:
2 Cinnamon Toast Crunch $4.00 (shelf price $8.78)
2 Green Giant frozen veggies $3.38 (shelf price $4.50)
Vegetables in Cooking Pouches, NOT the Steamfresh ones
2 Pillsbury Refrig Pie Crusts $5.00 (shelf price $5.98)
2 Pillsbury Refrig cookie dough or Break apart cookies $5.00 (shelf price $5.98
1 Coke 2 liter $.79 (will be higher if bought after Monday)
=$14.17 (shelf price total $26.03)
-$1/2 Cinnamon Toast Crunch HERE
-$.50/2 Green Giant any frozen veggies HERE (doubled to $1)
-$.50/2 Pillsbury pie crust HERE (doubled to $1)
-$1/2 Pillsbury cookie dough or break aparts HERE
-$10 catalina from last transaction
-$4 catalina from last transaction
AND you should get back another $10 for buying another $25 in General Mills and another $2 for buying 4 Pillsbury products!!!
Someone (ahem: Mom, Renee, Grandmom) HAS to do this deal and let me know how you make out!!! It's too good to pass up people! Remember the pillsbury products can all be frozen, including the rolls I've done it many times before and they come out just fine!